Teodor Currentzis, MusicÆterna Orchestra
Saturday 12 October 2024, 8.30 pm
Parte prima 30 minuti
Intervallo 15 minuti
Parte seconda 45 minuti
Durata complessiva 1 ora e 30 minuti
La forza del destino
Musica Giuseppe Verdi
Variazioni su un tema rococò
OP. 33
Musica Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij
Violoncello Miriam Prandi
Sinfonia n.5 in re minore
OP. 47
Musica Dmitrij Šostakovič
No univocal interpretation can be attached to Giuseppe Verdi’s body of work. There are simply too many references and perspectives to consider in order to isolate themes and meanings within predefined parameters. Nonetheless, in the design of the Festival, it can be useful to define specific aspects of the Maestro’s production to broaden the horizon and to draw new paths at the same time.
Verdi personalized themes that are in fact universal and common to any historical period. From such a premise, through freedom and imagination, we tried to trace a path that would contribute to highlight his legacy as well as his bonds with past authors.
The 2024 Festival will present some of the operas where Verdi especially worked on the concepts of power, politics and the ideals of liberty. Among the many authors who touched such themes, we chose to deepen the link with Luigi Nono and Arnold Schönberg – at 100 and 150 years from their birth, respectively – as well as the ones with Claudio Monteverdi and Dmitri Shostakovich.
Such a multi-faceted succession of times and styles aims at encouraging the experimentation of new pathways, following the revealing of new perspectives and giving birth to new ramifications, originating from the same roots though growing towards a fresh variety of interpretations.